the club
Queen's clubs and societies
By Kristina Mulh
A great way to find new friends, learn different talents and
unwind from the natural stresses that come with university
life is to join one of the many clubs and societies that Queen's
Students' Union has to offer.
QU | Your guide to life at Queen's
If you are into sport, you could
get stuck into one of
over 50 (yes 50!) clubs devoted
to sports. Choose
from clubs like basketball, dance
and judo or even
try something new – such as cav
ing, dodgeball or
skydiving – or compete at elite
level with hockey or
one of the sporting academies:
GAA , rugby union;
rowing or soccer.
If you fancy something a little mor
e intellectual, there
are over 130 societies covering a
wide range of hobbies
and interests, such as Queen's Rad
io, Photography or
Origami! If you prefer to stick to your
subject you can
choose from an array of School-base
d societies – Law,
Scrubs, English and Philosophy are
just a few on offer –
all of which provide countless opp
ortunities to learn more
about your chosen field through con
ferences and guest
speakers. Other societies such as
SWOT (Students
Working Overseas Trust), St Vincent
de Paul, Red Cross
and St John Ambulance give you a
chance to volunteer
your time to wor thwhile causes and
secure placement
opportunities within the charity.
Joining a club or society is one of
the best things you can
do at university. It's not just a grea
t way to meet up with
or make friends with other students
on your course outside
the lecture theatre – it will give your
CV an extra boost
and help you set yourself apart from
other job-seekers
in a competitive market. This is than
ks to the teamwork,
organisation, communication and
often leadership
skills you will gain as an active mem
of a club or society.
Queen's now offers students the opp
ortunity to use these
experiences as credit towards the
Degree Plus initiative.
This scheme offers you recognition
for all the work you
put into the running of your club or
society – giving you a
chance to provide a record of achi
evement and gain extra
certification at graduation! Not only
that, it offers reward
and recognition opportunities thro
ugh the Students' Union
Awards, the Volunteering Excellen
cy Awards and national
competitions such as BICS.
There are lots of ways to find out mor
e. Simply visit