Mobile apps & utilities
Mobile apps
Enjoy mobile life anytime, anywhere
Access files conveniently
Upload, access, zip/unzip, move, copy, rename or delete files on the
Turbo NAS with your mobile devices, without computer required.
Stream multimedia contents
Browse and play the music, photos and videos on the Turbo NAS.
No more worries about the space limitation of your mobile device.
Mobile surveillance with ease
VMobile is a professional surveillance mobile app for remotely
managing the Surveillance Station of linked Turbo NAS or the IP
cameras of VioStor NVR.
More advanced functions
Besides real-time monitoring, the VMobile allows you to remotely
control the recording, snapshots, and playback. Once alarm events
occur, an instant notification is also provided.
Auto-upload photos
Automatically upload photos to your Turbo NAS whenever you take
new photos. It works as a real-time backup of your precious photos.
Offline file reading
Download documents, photos or music from the Turbo NAS to your
mobile devices for offline reading.
Folder & file sharing
Create download links for shared folders or files to share via email
or SMS. You can also share by email as attachments.
Manage multiple NAS units
Add multiple Turbo NAS units on Qmanager, and conveniently
manage anyone of them anytime and anywhere.
Monitor system status
Monitor your system information, such as CPU usage, memory
usage, system event information online users, etc. You can also
check connection status to prevent suspicious invasion.
Remotely manage
With one click, you can use Qmanager to turn on/off or restart the
Turbo NAS, open or close Turbo NAS services, and set up Wake on