QMU Postgraduate Prospectus 2022 | Page 176

Is QMU right for you ? All you need to know before applying

Funding , loans and scholarships

We want to ensure that you know about the main sources of funding available for your studies at QMU .
It is important to recognise that access to postgraduate funding can be complex and so it is essential to consider your funding options fully before committing to a course of study . These pages cover the current funding sources , but these could change and it is important that you consult our website at : www . qmu . ac . uk / study-here / fees-and-funding / postgraduate-funding .
The information in this section is correct at the time of printing . However , there may be changes to student fees and financial support for 2022 entry .
Funding for taught postgraduate and research students
Students applying for their first taught master ’ s degree or postgraduate diploma from the UK are normally supported by their funding authority . We advise that all potential postgraduate students should investigate their eligibility for support at the earliest opportunity .
Funding may also be available through educational trusts and charities . Further details are available through the following website : www . thescholarshiphub . org . uk
Postgraduate loans Scotland
Scotland domiciled students can access a postgraduate student loan of £ 10,000 . This comprises a tuition fee loan of £ 5,500 and a living cost support loan of £ 4,500 . Eligible students will be taking their first master ’ s course on a full-time or part-time basis although part-time students can only access the tuition fee loan . For further information consult the SAAS website at : www . saas . gov . uk
England domiciled students can access a £ 11,570 loan for their first master ’ s course to be studied anywhere in the UK . For further information consult the Student Finance England website at : www . gov . uk / funding-for-postgraduatestudy
Students from England who will study a two year pre-registration course in an allied health profession ( dietetics , occupational therapy , physiotherapy , radiography , and speech and language therapy ) can access undergraduate funding for these courses . This will take the form of a tuition fee loan and a living cost loan .
Wales domiciled students can access a maximum student award of £ 17,489 made up of grant and loan for their first master ’ s course to be studied anywhere in the UK . For further information please consult the SFW website at :
www . studentfinancewales . co . uk Northern Ireland
A tuition fee loan of £ 5,500 for eligible courses across the UK is available for full-time and part-time courses . For further information please consult the SFNI website at www . studentfinanceni . co . uk
The Scottish Government has confirmed that , as a result of Brexit , postgraduate students from the EU no longer have access to tuition fee loans . ‘ Home fee ’ status for EU students has now come to an end and they are now classified as international students for the purposes of tuition fees .
As part of our management of the Brexit transition , for many of our courses we have introduced an EU transitional scholarship for EU full-time students commencing their studies on campus in 2022 / 23 . This provides a 40 % discount on international tuition fees . See our fees pages for details .