QA June 2014

Total Quality Management (TQM) Walk-In Quarterly Newsletter Issue [#]: Issue Date Vol.5 Issue: 1 S Dealing with CHANGE In the Workplace “Why should I deal with change?” … Because it is the only part of life that is constant. Change provides an opportunity to do things differently in any environment or situation towards improving on already established standards that enhance and promote strategic goals. Change, they say, is the only permanent thing in life and every day something changes at work. It might be products, customers, delivery schedules, company policies, work schedule, work transfer etc. We naturally fear change in the workplace because we feel unprepared and inadequate to overcome its effects. Sometimes, we also feel we might be immersed into unfamiliar situations that might be impossible to handle. Most of all, we feel we have no control over the situation. Fear, however, does not always have to lead to negative energy because people who fear change see themselves as the victim and whether you look forward to a change or dread it, change triggers powerful effects in your body and your emotions (sometimes called “stress”). You can increase your sense of control and steer your life into positive territory when you know how to deal with change. You can turn fear into positive energy by choosing to do so. When everything around you changes, throw away your doubts and make use of the following:  Don’t see yourself as a victim or the trapped.  Be proud of the work that you do.  Be strong in your convictions.  Be confident in your abilities.  Communicate with supportive people who can help you deal with the stress.  Learn to relax and set smart goals. These attributes will allow you turn the energy that fear can create into positive energy. You will use that energy to become a positive change person within the organization and you will begin to control your situation. Although it may be easier to Although it may be easier to react negatively, challenge yourself to find the positive aspects and opportunities that lie within every change. When you see change as a challenge and an opportunity, you will get excited about it! Change your perspective and you will change your attitude. Changing your attitude will, in turn, change your results. While others are still moaning and groaning, you would have gone far. Your energy and new improved attitude will become contagious and will spread quickly. You will be a positive influence to those around you. It is all up to you. Dealing with change is effectively a change management process and it affects the individual and the organization. Applying TQM To The Change Total quality management is a key strategy in every successful organization; it describes a management approach to longterm success through customer satisfaction. It is also an effort to continuously improve business systems and processes by ensuring every one imbibes the culture of service excellence The business of service excellence is that of everyone and to ensure this is done everyone must think and feel quality at every moment we engage our customers either at the front line or back end.