Q4 2021 SLAS TIMES Summer Summer 2021 | Page 26

The Science Club Created by Students for Students by Jade Seo

Image source : Mr . Richard Silva

Science Club members Kelly , Anthony , Nikita , Kitty , Bill , and Jade – conduct experiments to satisfy their academic interests and prepare college applications .

Kelly Li created the club so students would have a space to satisfy their scientific curiosity by performing experiments in the 322 lab .
The Science Club has a weekly Tuesday meeting , and a biweekly meeting in Mr . Brian Delsandro ’ s classroom . In the meetings , members choose the field of science that they would like to explore . Then , Mr . Brian and Mr . Richard Silva , the supervisors , help members design an experiment in that field .
It is easy to join the club because no requirements to join . Kelly Li , the founder of the Science club , said , “ Any students who like science or want to learn more about it can enter the club .”
For those worried about not being heard , this club is a student leadership group , so all students can freely decide the club ’ s direction .