Q2 2023 Philippine Retailing Magazine Q2 2023 PRA Magazine | Page 5

“ It depends on the situation . For example , when Wilcon was still a small company , you have to make sure that you protect the assets of the company and ensure that you deliver its goals and objectives . Basically , I ’ m a transformational leader in the sense that I ’ m always trying to look for improvements . I always try to look for ways to elevate , you don ’ t just stay in status quo ,” she explains .
According to her , a transformational leader is identified with change and creates a vision to guide the change through influence , inspiration , and execution .
“ It ’ s more of elevating the organization . You always induce to make positive changes ,” the PRA President states . “ When dealing with transformation , you want to evolve , grow and get better . And that ’ s my goal also with PRA . Marami na ring reforms implemented when it comes to structure . Similar to Wilcon as a young company , there ’ s an effort to structure things and to look at and lay the foundations for the different aspects of the business . PRA is already strong with that already , so we implemented improvements , and you want the members to build on that and make them feel that the organization is there to help them ,” she adds .
Leading during a time of pandemic
Her transformative leadership was tested on both organizations when the challenges of the pandemic came rolling in , engulfing industries with problems they have never faced and took on before . But as they say , the true test of a leader happens during a crisis .
The last three years called for a strategic shift to digitization and Bosch-Ong and her team delivered the retail innovations needed . Among these innovations are the Wilcon Browse , Call and Collect / Deliver and Personal Shoppers where Wilcon introduced a variety of effective shopping options to customers ; the optimized Wilcon Depot website and social media channels which provided home tips , renovation , and improvement ideas as well as a Viber community for customers to have access to exciting offers , promotions , lifestyle inspirations and more ; the Wilcon Depot loyalty App also earned points and rewards to loyal customers ; the launch of Wilcon Online Store for home shopping experience for customers nationwide as well as a Virtual Reality Store Experience .
Bosch-Ong recalls the difficult yet transformative years that propelled them to adapt to the digital era .
“ It ’ s really about being adaptive , resilient , agile , and fast . When you ’ re in a crisis , you have to be decisive and really make those decisions quickly even though everything was experimental at the time . Similarly , for PRA , I really pushed for digitization in our transformation because we want to be relevant to the members . We want the members to feel that we are there to support them ,” the executive shares . Bosch-Ong also emphasized the importance of being on the ground and aware of the current conditions affecting the people and the customers .
“ It ’ s important that as a leader , consultative ka and aware . You have to be collaborative . With that , you get the cooperation of all the members . We have to accept that leadership is dependent on people who support you . You can ’ t achieve things on your own . A tree will not bear fruits without its branches . You need people to pull you and push you up ,” she generously shares this piece of wisdom . Under Bosch-Ong ’ s tutelage , Wilcon was able to keep up with the latest trends which enables her to know the market pulse and bring something new to the table . Among these new offerings are materials and brands that promote environmental sustainability , energy , and cost-efficiency as well as innovative technology that are eco-friendly .
Inclusive Leadership : Empowering Women and People to Thrive
Leading one big organization is challenging , but for Bosch-Ong , managing two was an even greater feat . However , taking on the role of PRA President presented a particularly tough challenge when she first started . " When I first became President , it was a particularly challenging time because the PRA was already an established organization . I had to navigate my new role while also breaking down boundaries ," Bosch-Ong reflects .
" The most difficult part was figuring out how to deliver results , knowing that I had big shoes to fill . The past PRA Presidents were all accomplished and had steered the organization to greater heights ," she thoughtfully adds . Bosch-Ong is often described as the “ iron lady ” in the business world , and for good reason . She has thrived in male-dominated industries like construction and retail , as well as in organizations like PRA , which were predominantly led by men . Her success can be attributed to her healthy mindset and determination to break down barriers and empower women in these industries . Rather than perceiving male dominance as an obstacle , she regards it as a challenge and a chance to effect meaningful change .
“ It ’ s not about being a female . It ’ s about what you can bring to the table . What ’ s important is what you can deliver and you just have to do your best regardless of your gender . It ’ s about your competencies and more about being goal-focused , having a vision , and knowing how to execute and transform these into reality ,” she explains .
She lives by an important principle that she applies both at work and in her personal life .
“ I believe in the law of harvest : you reap what you sow . It ’ s quite connected with the golden rule and equality and fairness . You always live in a balance , doing good and right . When you do good things , you reap good things . It ’ s really more about hard work , perseverance , and doing the best that you can ,” she pensively shares , adding that to live and lead that way , everything just follows . Positivity begets positivity .
Bosch-Ong ' s positive leadership style prioritizes empowerment and growth . This has been especially evident in her leadership of the PRA Secretariat , where she has empowered people to take on leadership roles even during the most challenging times . By trusting her team and delegating responsibilities , she has created an engaged and motivated workforce , contributing to the organization ' s success and fostering a culture of empowerment and growth .
Moving Forward with PRA
In her leadership at PRA over the years , the moments she values and finds memorable are the ones that involved engaging with the over 400 members such as when they hold big events , retail shows , learning sessions with the members , and them working together hand-in-hand . Bosch-Ong is also quite grateful that she works with a dynamic board as they learn from one another .
When asked about what she considers her important achievement and milestones as PRA President , Bosch-Ong humbly responded with a milestone that centers on the people .
“ I think the biggest achievement was representing the retail industry , especially during and after the pandemic . Being their voice during forums and how to help them , being part of the technical working group , being consulted , and being the voice of the members ,” she beams . Bosch-Ong is especially proud of pushing forward with the NRCE ( National Retail Conference and Expo ), the biggest retail show experience in the Philippines despite all the challenges . It was a testament to her role as a decisive and transformative leader .
“ We still continued with the programs . We can ’ t just sit and watch the world go by ,” she declares .
As the PRA under Bosch-Ong ’ s leadership intends to move forward in the recovery phase , the President ’ s vision remains consistent : to steer the organization to greater heights , professionalize the secretariat and help Philippine retailers become globally competitive and propel the country as the ultimate retail and shopping destination in Asia . She urges the members to work together for these visions .
“ Filipinos are known to be resilient and adaptive . There is no challenge that we can ’ t face together . The Bayanihan is alive , tried , and tested during the pandemic by how we supported and helped each other . As an organization , it ’ s important that we collaborate and support each other as we give our best talent and our time in helping our industry reach greater heights ,” she concludes with renewed optimism .