Q2 2023 Philippine Retailing Magazine Q2 2023 PRA Magazine | Page 15

Leverage data-driven marketing to increase customer loyalty
Leverage data-driven marketing to increase customer loyalty
By Jubin Mehta
With a background in tech journalism and corporate communications , Jubin Mehta is a customer loyalty and engagement analyst at Capillary Technologies . Capillary works with 250 + enterprise brands across the globe to deliver RoI driver loyalty programs that customers love .
With a global economic downturn and correction in marketing spending , brand marketers across the globe are focusing on more making getting the maximum RoI on their campaigns . At Capillary , having worked with more than 250 enterprises , we see that a majority of the marketing budget is spent on acquiring new customers while it is a known fact that loyal customers are the ones who contribute more towards business growth . In such a scenario , it is incredibly important to focus on customer loyalty and have programs that provide genuine value to customers . And this is where data-driven marketing comes into play .
What is data-driven marketing ?
Having a Headless Technology in Place :
A headless technology architecture allows for flexibility , scalability , and seamless integration of various systems and channels . By decoupling the front-end presentation layer from the back-end systems , businesses can leverage multiple marketing technologies and tools to collect , analyze , and activate data .
Having the Entire Organization Aligned to Drive Loyalty as an Outcome :
Implementing data-driven marketing requires a holistic approach and alignment across the entire organization . It ' s not just the responsibility of the marketing department ; every department should be involved in driving customer loyalty as an outcome .
Data-driven marketing refers to the practice of utilizing data and analytics to guide marketing strategies , decision-making , and campaign execution . Data-driven marketing encompasses a range of activities , including customer segmentation , predictive modeling , A / B testing , marketing automation , and performance tracking . It enables marketers to optimize their campaigns , allocate resources effectively , and measure the impact of their efforts with greater precision .
According to a BCG report in association with Capillary , “ 75 % of companies acknowledged that data is the most important lever to drive growth and efficiency .” And this is why data-driven marketing is so important .
Leveraging on technology
Leveraging technology is a critical component of successful data-driven marketing . By utilizing various tools and platforms , businesses can enhance their marketing efforts , gain valuable insights , and drive customer loyalty . Choosing the right platform : There is a wide range of technology tools available to support data-driven marketing initiatives . Customer Data Platforms ( CDPs ) help businesses collect , unify , and manage customer data from multiple sources . Loyalty software helps design and manage loyalty programs and Engagement software facilitates personalized and timely communication with customers across various channels . A single platform like Capillary gives all of these capabilities .
Common Pitfalls for implementing data-driven marketing
This is easy to understand and data-driven marketing has become a bit of a buzz word but what really holds back marketers from using data adequately ?
Not having a strategy in place : One of the most significant pitfalls is diving into data-driven marketing without a clear strategy . It is crucial to establish specific goals , identify key performance indicators ( KPIs ), and outline the steps needed to achieve desired outcomes .
Not having access to rich data : Data is the lifeblood of data-driven marketing . However , many businesses struggle with accessing the right data or having incomplete and inaccurate data . Lack of data integration , siloed systems , or outdated data sources can limit the effectiveness of data-driven marketing efforts . Lack of technology to segment and target the audience : Segmentation and targeting are crucial aspects of data-driven marketing . However , without the right technology like Capillary ’ s Nudge Framework , businesses may find it challenging to effectively segment their audience and deliver personalized messages .
How to overcome these challenges ?
Collecting Meaningful Data : In today ’ s digital age , there are several touch points where data is generated such as online forms , transactional systems , or customer surveys . Designing seamless customer journeys can help in collecting meaningful data which would generate reliable , actionable insights .
Forming a 360-degree customer view : By integrating data from different touchpoints , such as transactions , website interactions , social media , and customer service interactions , businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of individual customers . This holistic view enables deeper insights into customer preferences , and behaviors , and brings the ability to deliver hyper-personalization .
Reducing CAC , Increase RoI , and driving customer loyalty
In conclusion , the implementation of data-driven marketing strategies can lead to significant benefits for businesses , including reducing customer acquisition costs ( CAC ), increasing return on investment ( ROI ), and driving customer loyalty . Reducing CAC is a crucial objective for any organization , as it directly impacts profitability . Data-driven marketing enables businesses to identify the most effective channels , campaigns , and customer segments to acquire new customers at a lower cost . By analyzing data , businesses can allocate their resources more efficiently and focus on the strategies that yield the highest ROI . This leads to improved cost-effectiveness and a more sustainable approach to customer acquisition . And increase in ROI is a key metric that reflects the overall success of marketing efforts .
Both of these drive focus on customer loyalty and when data-driven marketing is implemented in the right fashion , business growth and customer loyalty are a natural outcome .