ede diabetic kidney h type 2 diabetes are one : weight loss surgery . rnstad , MD , is working to here ’ s a way to leverage can ’ t have surgery .
em report from 2016 , to be the leading cause of ccounting for approximately nd-stage and dialysis . At a f end-stage kidney disease ays Petter Bjornstad , MD , that ing , because it means more developing type 2 diabetes . 2 , youth-onset type 2 is
d says , “ but youth with type 2 with greater insulin resistance ey also have a higher rate of idney disease . And not only . That ’ s scary .”
Is surgical therapy a more effective treatment method for diabetic kidney disease than medical therapy in severely obese adolescents with type 2 diabetes ?
Severely obese adolescents with type 2 diabetes
BMI > 35
93 patients across two cohorts after frequency matching for race , sex , age , ethnicity