About MeadowMat
Create an instant golf course
wildflower meadow
As a green keeper it is highly likely that you will be aware of how difficult it is to
establish wildflowers from seed. Yet with the decline in our wild flowers throughout
the British Isles and the impact this has on our birds, bees and butterfly numbers the
pressure to dedicate areas on courses to wildflowers is ever increasing.
MeadowMat is an easy solution. It is expertly grown using trusted techniques. The
50/50 blend of wildflowers and grasses are sown on to a thin layer of growing medium
supported by a fine net. This unique method means that the roots remain undisturbed
when harvested and transported. Once installed it very quickly forms a healthy sward
of mixed native species.
Depending on the time of year it has been known to flower within weeks of being
laid. Over the years bee and butterfly numbers have been in decline, gold courses could
play an important part in re-building numbers.
Areas allocated for wild flower plantings are among the most attractive, most cost
effective and most interesting landscaping improvements a golf course can make.
Golf courses that have planted areas with wildflowers report favourable
responses from their members.
Wild flowers will grow in impoverished soil, they don’t require any fertiliser and
only require strimming back once a year saving money on maintenance.
A low cost solution to providing colour and interest to out of play areas.
Can be laid all year round and rapidly establishes. Due to the large selection of
perennials in the mix it can be used in various situes with guaranteed results.
Bespoke mixtures can be grown if required.
Q Lawns Golfing Solutions