Q Golf - Official online magazine for Golf Queensland Spring 2013 | Page 18

Challenges with your Golf Marketing? Golf Industry Central is now providing a full range of golf-specific marketing services to individual clubs, facilities and suppliers. You can now tap into a variety of services combined in a simple package tailored to your needs. The marketing team is headed by Mike Orloff who has over 22 years of commercial golf experience in clubs, resorts and public facilities in the USA and Australia. Do you need a new logo, newsletter, website, graphic design, membership growth and retention strategies, yield management or even a full holistic marketing plan? We work with you as your own specialised golf marketing team. Reduce your staff levels and pay only for what you need professionally done. Give Mike a call now to see how this could work for you. Get your own team of golf marketing professionals to help with... Marketing plans Websites Newsletters - design & mailout Membership strategies Ongoing marketing support Revenue generation Yield management Social media Overall brand management Search engine optimisation (SEO) Graphic design Press releases Publicity campaigns Logo and collateral design Copywriting New player attraction We can provide you with one or any number of our marketing services on a subscription, project or hourly basis. CALL NOW FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION For more information contact Mike Orloff on (+61) 415 682 259 or [email protected] www.golfindustrycentral.com.au