Q Golf - Official online magazine for Golf Queensland QGolf - Summer 2017 | Page 3

Golf Queensland Ltd cannot ensure that the advertisements appearing in this publication comply absolutely with the Trade Practices Act and other consumer legislation . It is the responsibility of the advertiser and / or supplier to ensure compliance with all legal requirements . Golf Queensland does not accept responsibility for incorrect information appearing in such advertisements . No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored , transmitted or used in any other way without prior permission for Golf Queensland . Contributions including the contributor ’ s name and address are welcomed by this publication , and should be addressed to The Editor , Q-Golf Online , PO Box 50 RBH , Brisbane , QLD 4001 or emailed to louise @ golfqueensland . org . au . www . golfqueensland . org . au

Q Golf online

From the CEO - Lindsay Ellis
Welcome to the Summer edition of the Q Golf Magazine .
Editor : Louise Corrigan E : louise @ golfqueensland . org . au
Contributing Writers Tony Durkin and Bernie Pramberg .
Golf Queensland Chief Executive Officer
Golf Operations Manager Golf Operations Officer Golf Operations Officer Head Coach
Lindsay Ellis
Luke Bates Chris Evans Matt Field Tony Meyer
Communications & Marketing Manager Louise Corrigan Communications & Marketing Officer Kirsty Wrice
Finance Manager Matthew Sedgman
Administration Officer Sam Houston
Participation Development Manager Adrian Hewat Participation Development Officer Scott Simons Sally Stringer Danielle Duncan
As 2017 comes to a close we would like to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our dedicated volunteers .
The Queensland golf industry relies heavily on the thousands of volunteers that freely give time to support our sport . Volunteers work countless hours and cover a multitude of tasks from gardening to organizing competitions or leading the club ’ s direction as a board member . I propose that having great volunteers is what can make a good club great .
Due to volunteers having such immense value to a golf club or , for that matter , an organisation like Golf Queensland , it makes good sense to make every effort to retain them . A great way to encourage a volunteer to continue is to provide recognition .
At Golf Queensland we want to ensure volunteers are properly recognised . To assist this , we encourage our clubs and Districts to nominate their volunteers to our Volunteer Recognition Program . This is an easy process and all volunteers will receive a certificate of
appreciation from Golf Queensland . This can be presented at a District AGM or the club may choose to present it themselves at an appropriate occasion .
Also , nominations for the Volunteer Recognition Program are automatically included in the judging for the Queensland Golf Volunteer Award presented in March every year at the Queensland Golf Industry Awards . Details of the nomination process are available on the Golf Queensland website here .
I would emphasise our experience has been that volunteers are delighted to be recognised in this way . Remember , the only cost in recognising a volunteer is your time !
I trust you enjoy this season ’ s Q-Golf Online and take the time over summer to get out and play more golf .
Happy golfing !
Lindsay Ellis
14 Walden Lane Bowen Hills , QLD 4006
PO Box 50 RBH Herston QLD 4029
P : ( 07 ) 3252 8155 E : info @ golfqueensland . org . au www . golfqueensland . org . au
Publishing and Design Golf Industry Central www . golfindustrycentral . com . au

Golf Queensland Ltd cannot ensure that the advertisements appearing in this publication comply absolutely with the Trade Practices Act and other consumer legislation . It is the responsibility of the advertiser and / or supplier to ensure compliance with all legal requirements . Golf Queensland does not accept responsibility for incorrect information appearing in such advertisements . No part of this publication may be reproduced , stored , transmitted or used in any other way without prior permission for Golf Queensland . Contributions including the contributor ’ s name and address are welcomed by this publication , and should be addressed to The Editor , Q-Golf Online , PO Box 50 RBH , Brisbane , QLD 4001 or emailed to louise @ golfqueensland . org . au . www . golfqueensland . org . au

www . golfqueensland . org . au Summer 2017 Q Golf 3