PYP in Action Newsletter Volume 2 Issue 1

PYP in Action Term 1 | September 2014 “ W A N T E D…..Students who demonstrate The Learner Profile The ten desirable attributes that form the I.B. Learner Profile (LP) underpin and guide everything we do here at Green Valley. But what does it mean to be Principled or an Inquirer? This term we have decided to focus on one LP per fortnight in the Primary, to really help us unpack its real-life definition, using child talk. Wanted Posters have gone up around school to highlight and encourage students. Children have been performing short role-plays at our Friday celebration assemblies, to help everyone understand. These gatherings are also used to reward those who have demonstrated a LP quality. “Principled means to make the right choices and be fair,” explains Pierre from Year 4MC (pictured top left) as he acts out how his wallet is found and handed in safely. “You can do it! Be brave and courageous,” states Kenya 4MC as she acted out Risk-Taking (Pictured far left on climbing equipment). International Mindedness is also central to our ethos and so the LP has now been translated into many different home languages by members of our community – many thanks to all who helped. Tuning-In & Wondering… As each year group started their new unit, all classes have been participating in exciting tuning-In and knowledge harvest activities, to help them think about the questions; What do I already know about this? What do I want to learn and find out? What interests me about this subject? This is an important starting point of the PYP constructionist Inquiry Cycle. In Year 2, Children were asked to make a 3D town model to help them think about what facilities and services are needed in a community. Meanwhile, Year 3 visited a local land-fill rubbish dump to tune-in about the problems surrounding waste. Parama and Phongkrit from Y3G write, “it was messy, not beautiful and disgusting. It smelt pongy and yuk!” They now seem genuinely motivated to research solutions such as; how can we Reuse and Recycle materials? Following recent staff training, Teachers are using a variety of interactive, higher-order questioning techniques, such as display tress and online wonder walls, to support this whole process. Mr Matt Holton PYP Curriculum Coordinator ACTION OF THE MONTH ! Spending Wisely…. Following lessons on the ethical power of the consumer, Bente (Year 6RS) went shopping and chose products with the Rainforest Alliance and Fair Trade Certification logos on, so she knows that the farmers / workers will get better conditions. Well done for turning learning into Action!