PYA Oncology Business Resources | Page 7

Cancer Program Planning & Development

Oncology-specific strategic planning and tactical development driving meaningful strategies for improved organizational performance
• Impacts every hospital department , specialty , and support service across the care continuum
• Requires highly nuanced and tailored expertise for accurate market assessments and plan development
• Often classified into radiation and medical oncology services only , without consideration for surgery and other impactful specialties and services
• May result in market share leakage due to self-referral by patients to all-inclusive , well-marketed programs
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• Oncology-specific market assessment
• Oncology-specific strategic planning , facilitation , and execution services
• Overall and / or service line / modality-specific financial planning and feasibility studies
• Provides a complete and comprehensive oncology strategy
• Recognizes and utilizes the unique skillset required for successful cancer programming
• Accounts for all types of services needed by oncology patients , both inside and outside the immediate service line ( i . e ., medical or radiation oncology )
• Brings awareness and solutions for all-encompassing , high-quality oncology services , including the full spectrum of clinical and supportive care services
• Presents a road map for implementation and future services development
• Certificate of need assistance
• Oncology Care Model and Radiation Oncology Alternative Payment Model participation and implementation assistance
• Development of actionable implementation plan
• Clinical trials and research program planning