PYA for Radon Reduction Newsletter 2023 February | Page 12


 The opportunity to work with youth who aspire to improve their lives and communities by building radon skills and resources to reach their full potential. Through hundreds of Premier Youth Ambassadors for Radon Reduction (PYA) program, these young people pursue radon education to prepare for future careers, and grow in their communities as radon leaders – building brighter futures for themselves, and their neighborhoods.

Through PYA mentor partners the program provides opportunities for youth to build the skill sets and mindsets that will lead to lifelong radon and lung cancer learning, livelihood, and leadership.

Young adults ages 15 and up who are interested in the perils of radon gas and it’s lung cancer affects can participate to obtain additional training and employment opportunities.  These young people are in greatest need of our support, and they are our greatest source of untapped potential.