PVR MOVIES FIRST March 2020 | Page 23

06 Although many were skeptical when the blond Craig was first cast as James 13 Bond, Casino Royale became the In real life, Craig hates violence and is terrified of guns. James Bond, on the other hand, kills an average of 16 people per film. highest-grossing Bond film of its day. Craig even earned a BAFTA nomination 14 Craig played rugby in his younger days, and 15 He made a guest appearance as Bond for his performance. 07 Not only is Craig famously the first blond actor to play James Bond, he’s Elizabeth II. Before signing on as James Bond, Craig wasn’t sure he wanted to play the role. 16 Pierce Brosnan, the previous 007, had In the middle of the controversy surrounding Craig’s signing to play 007, 17 18 his casting. 10 Craig doesn’t enjoy attention. Once, when he was visiting an American movie theater told him he looked like Daniel Craig. The actor answered “no” and walked away. saw in the theater was Roger Moore’s it with his father, and the movie has Craig the first global advocate for the incognito, a fan asked if anyone had ever The first James Bond film Craig ever Live and Let Die from 1973. Craig saw In April 2015, the United Nations appointed elimination of mines and explosive hazards. five previous Bonds—Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan—spoke out in favour of He’s worked with organisations such as issues through street theater. he received support from four of the Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Craig is involved in many charitable causes. S.A.F.E. Kenya, which addresses social to convince Craig to accept the part. 09 in the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games, alongside Queen also the shortest—he’s only 5’10”. 08 remains a big fan of the sport. 19 Craig is a huge fan of sci-fi franchises like Firefly, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. held a special place in his heart ever since. 11 12 20 Daniel Craig owns a massive mansion in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. It cost him $6.75 Craig’s favorite James Bond is Sean million and spans 6,600 square feet. He Connery, and his favorite Bond film is also owns an $11.5 million penthouse in From Russia With Love. Soho, London. Craig’s third Bond film, 2012’s Skyfall, is the highest-grossing film in the 21 For his last outing as James Bond, Daniel Craig will be paid 50 million pounds. Which franchise and was the highest-grossing means he will earn 357,000 pounds per movie in UK history until 2015. minute of screen time. PVR MOVIES FIRST PAGE 23