PVF RT Magazine November 2023 | Page 4

From the Editor

It’s almost Thanksgiving?  Where has this incredibly busy

year gone?  Don’t worry; there’s still time to register for

our Christmas Party where we will continue our Bash for

Scholarship Cash Casino Night, donating proceeds to 8

colleges and trade schools for students in PVF related

fields of study.  The PVF YPs will also collect toys for

Operation Stocking Stuffer the same evening, hosted

by the Houston Fire Department – and rumor has it -

Santa will be there.  Registration opens soon – keep an

eye out for an email.

In this issue you’ll see October Dinner Meeting Highlights featuring Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, we get to know STS Industrial, and discover who had a blast at TroutBlast, page 35.  Meet Mike Hernandez from WOI Welding Outlets on page 47, and Ben Magnuson – new Branch Manager for Dodson Global (pg 53).  If you plan on taking customers to lunch or dinner, be sure to check out The Food Scene on page 57, where Caroline Capelle rates the best eateries around Houston. Flip to pages 59-63 to see familiar faces networking at The Bell Tower on 34th.  Meet Jamie Meade of Colson X-Cel on page 65 and catch up on the Young Professionals update on page 69, complete with Happy Hour photos from earlier this month.  PLUS a brand new PVF Roundtable Canadian Golf Tournament in September of 2024 - see the details on page 77.

On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, thank you.  Your participation and sponsorship make all of these donations possible.  Members like you are why we call this PVF Industry a family – working together for the greater good.  Merry Christmas, my friends – my PVF family!  See you at the Christmas Party December 12th at The Bell Tower on 34th.

Interested in advertising or providing editorial for the PVF Roundtable Digital Magazine?  Email me: [email protected].


Krystal Hatfield

CMO - OK Pipe & Fittings, Inc.