PVF RT Magazine November 2023 | Page 27

 There’s too much work; the company needs that new employee yesterday.  The hiring process kicks into warp speed.  There’s little thought other than, “We have to fill that slot – now.”  Not, “We will search until we find the right person.”  The company is desperate, they don’t spend the upfront time needed for a quality hire.  Someone is hired and everyone hopes for the best. All too often, those hopes are quickly dashed.  So, for the next time (and there will be a next time) invest the time and effort for a successful hire.  This includes doing some up-front work.  Here are some thoughts on and tools for how to do better job of hiring the right employee.


1 The job definition. Yup, the first step is to sit down and write a job description.  You can’t possibly hire the right person for the job if you haven’t accurately described the job.  Start with a position title, then write a brief description of duties as well as the qualifications required.  Get input from your team.  Be specific.


Definition Examples:

Bad: Must have experience in Piping industry.

Better: Must have a minimum of five years of warehouse experience in Piping industry.

Excellent: Must have extensive experience in managing a warehouse with $10+ million in inventory for Stainless Steel pipe destined for the Oil Industry (minimum 5 years).


2 The interview script.  Don’t “wing it” for the interviews.  Generate a list of interview questions ahead of time.  It is important that your interviews are consistent and thorough.  Don’t just ask about past job experiences, the candidates will trot out a grocery list of accomplishments, instead ask them what they would do in a specific situation.  Get them to think on their feet, not just recite recent accomplishments.