FY19 PTW BUDGET by the Numbers
$100,000 $980,000
City Releases Interactive Street Tracker Map
The City of has launched a street
tracker tool to help our residents
locate roadway projects and track
their progress.
This tool integrates live data
from Cartegraph and our RWD
(roadway/water/drainage) and
E-builder systems and allows
anyone to type in an address, set
a buffer, and view information on
all city water or street projects in
that area. And it is up-to-date, all
the time.
Through a cross-departmental
collaboration, the Office of
Strategic Initiatives created an
interactive Street Tracker map,
where residents can learn about
water, drainage and roadway
projects. This data tool is
optimized for mobile device use.
“What makes this tool innovative is
that the project information in the
map is live to City systems. Therefore
any update to
project status is then updated in
Street Tracker so residents have the
most up to date information readily
available.”, said Elaine Dennehy,
Research & Analytics Manager.
Check out a what What Works City
has to say about the new app.
Visit http://www.arlington-tx.gov/
streetconstructionprojects/ to try it
for yourself.