Put Technology to Work October 2018 | Page 2

Updates Annual Pavement Survey to Gather Data on South Arlington Street Conditions There’s little doubt about the impact technology has on our daily lives. We see it everywhere we look — our computers, phones, cars, refrigerators, and road maintenance. Yes, even the upkeep of the roads you drive is affected by technology. During the last week in August, Arlington’s Public Works and Transportation Department will continue its annual pavement survey program, which uses technology to inventory the condition of all streets within the city limits. This project consists of contracting with a third-party vendor who operates a fleet of sophisticated data collection vehicles equipped with an array of precision instrumentation and data collection equipment. Each year the vendor collects data on one-third of the City’s street. Beginning this weekend, all City streets generally bounded on the north by Green Oaks Boulevard and Bardin Road to the southern city limits will be surveyed. A survey of central Arlington was conducted in August 2017 and a survey of north Arlington is scheduled for August 2019. “This pavement management program provides a condition inventory of every street segment in the city and tracks its maintenance history, which helps staff identify deficiencies, prioritize roadway projects, and monitor pavement performance,” said Mindy Carmichael, Director of Public Works and Transportation. “By continuing to invest in technology, we have afforded ourselves the ability to make informed decisions that allow staff to optimize available resources and protect the resident’s investment in the most cost- effective manner.” (Continued from page 1) of Collins Street, north of Mayfield Road, east of Brown Trail and south of Arkansas Lane. Work also will include a portion of Daniel Drive, north of Green Hill Drive and south of Mayfield Road. The map below, which was mailed to affected homeowners earlier this month, shows the streets where mains will be replaced. 2018 Water Main Replacement Project Map The trenchless main replacement process involves pulling new water main through existing pipe instead of digging multiple trenches. It requires limited excavation, minimizing construction time and disruption to customers. Construction will move from street to street throughout the project, which is expected to last about nine months in all. The expected cost of the project is about $3 million. “Customer satisfaction is a top consideration with our department and trenchless methods create more efficient and aesthetically pleasing projects. Residents get the benefit of new water mains without having contractors working in front of their homes for weeks at a time,” Arlington Water Utilities Senior Engineer Jessie Allen said. Arlington Water is responsible for 1,425 miles of public water main. The City’s capital improvement program strives to target high maintenance water mains, efficiently spend residents’ dollars, and reduce construction time and customer impact. The sections of main to be replaced in the project starting this week were chosen because of a history of breaks. Most of the mains being replaced were installed in the early to mid-1970s. The new HDPE (high-density polyethylene) pipes being installed are flexible and non-corrosive. They are designed to last 100-plus years, reducing maintenance and repair costs that are eventually passed along to residents. Water service interruptions are not expected throughout the project. However, if interruptions become necessary, residents will be notified door-to- door, in advance for planned outages and as quickly as possible for emergency outages. Regular updates about water outages can be found at www.arlingtontx.gov/ wateroutages. For more information, visit the Water and Sewer Projects page at www.arlingtontx.gov/waterconstruction or email questions to waterconstruction@arlingtontx.gov.