Pushin' On: UAB Spinal Cord Injury Model System Digital Newsletter Volume 37 | Number 1
Pushin’ ON
VOL 37 | NUM 1
UAB Spinal Cord Injury Model System Digital Newsletter
Headline News
The University of Alabama at
Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury
Model System (UAB-SCIMS) provides
Pushin’ On twice annually as an
informational resource for people
with spinal cord injury (SCI).
UAB-SCIMS Program Director:
Amie B McLain, MD
Pushin’ On Editor: Phil Klebine, MA
529 Spain Rehabilitation Center
1717 6th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233-7330
Phone: 205-934-3283
TDD: 205-934-4642
Fax: 205-975-4691
[email protected]
The contents of this
publication were developed
under a grant from
the National Institute
on Disability, Independent Living, and
Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR grant
number 90SI5019). NIDILRR is a Center
within the Administration for Community
Living (ACL), Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS). The contents of this
publication do not necessarily represent the
policy of NIDILRR, ACL, HHS, and you should
not assume endorsement by the Federal
©2019 University of Alabama Board of Trustees. The
University of Alabama at Birmingham provides equal
opportunity in education and employment.
Imagine if state or federal rules and regulations forced everyone to
wear the same size shoes. Seems silly to think of this as reality, huh?
One size does not fit all.
The is the long-fought message that advocates continue to press to
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) about Complex
rehab technology (CRT). CRT is medically necessary, individually-
configured manual and power wheelchair systems, adaptive seating
systems, alternative positioning systems, and other mobility devices that
require evaluation, fitting, configuration, adjustment or programming.
Back in 2016, advocates fought and won to prevent CMS from cutting
reimbursement rates for CRT.
Now the University of Alabama at Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury
Model System (UAB-SCIMS) is asking readers to consider supporting
the aims of 2 proposed legislative priorities. S. 1223 is a bill that will
stop CMS from applying set standards for manual wheelchair CRT
and allow manual wheelchair users the same access to critical CRT as
power wheelchair users. H.R. 2408 will create a separate category for
wheelchair-related CRT similar to Orthotics and Prosthetics categories
allowing for custom braces and artificial limbs. This bill no longer allows
specialized CRT items to be grouped within Medicare’s “standard”
Durable Medical equipment category and allow coverage, coding,
and safeguard improvements for individual needs. This will allow for
improvements in coverage policies, coding, and supplier standards
to better address the unique needs of the individuals with significant
disabilities and chronic medical conditions who rely on these specialized
products and related services to manage their medical needs, minimize
their health care costs, and maximize their function and independence.
Visit access2crt.org to get CRT information, resources and tools.
Thank you. - Phil Klebine, Editor
LandAjob is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that helps those on SSI or SSDI
receive up to $13,000 for job-expense reimbursements. If you are
looking for work, you can search the database of over 500,000 active
job openings across the country. Here is the 3-step process.
1. Find a Job - Do you receive disability benefits and have a job that
pays at least $880 a month? Are you unemployed right now but
thinking about working in the future? You qualify.
2. Fill Out a Short Form - LandAjob will help you fill out the Individual
Work Plan (IWP) the Social Security Administration needs to start
your reimbursement payments.
3. Talk to a Counselor - A brief counseling phone call lets LandAjob
help you complete your IWP. After that, your IWP to the Ticket
to Work people at Social Security. LandAjob, coordinates with
Social Security and will notify you when all is done. You then move
forward with the reimbursement process.
All LandAjob’s services are free as part of a partnership with Social
Security’s Ticket-to-Work program.