Pushin' On: UAB Spinal Cord Injury Model System Digital Newsletter Volume 34 | Number 1 | Page 2
The Law and Accessible Healthcare by Phil Klebine and Graham Sisson
Persons with spinal cord injury
(SCI) need a lifetime of medical
management. They tend to have
more medical issues than most
people, and most health issues are
related to secondary complications
of SCI.
They often believe they only need
a specialist in SCI to manage all
of their healthcare needs. But they
actually need a SCI-specialist AND
Primary Care Provider (PCP).
• SCI-Specialists are well trained
to manage the unique medical
issues of SCI, but they do not
usually provide PCP services.
• A PCP is trained to provide the
services that everyone needs,
such as treatment of common
sicknesses and preventive
healthcare. They watch for
early signs of potential medical
problems and refer patients for
screening to identify any health
problems and any specialized
care if needed.
As a person with SCI, you may
encounter barriers that make it hard
to meet your healthcare needs. For
example, a lack of transportation is
a big problem for many, especially
in areas with limited public
transportation. It is an ongoing
problem with no easy solution.
Another barrier is that a PCP needs
to consider issues related to SCI
when providing care, but they often
lack knowledge about secondary
conditions. Last year, the UAB Spinal
Cord Injury Model System (UABSCIMS) launched a website for PCPs
in an effort to help solve this problem
by providing them information on
secondary conditions that they can
consider when providing care.
Physical barriers also remain a
problem. Some offices are not fully
accessible or lack an accessible
exam table. Transferring can be
a problem. Specialized screening
equipment is often not accessible.
For example, women who use a
wheelchair are often unable to get
breast and cervical cancer screening
because examination tables are not
You probably know the law
requires equal access. Sadly,
however, you likely also know that
the “law” and the “real world” are
often two different things. You know
the real world, but do you know what
“equal access” to healthcare means?
Here is what you need to know.
What is the law?
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was the
first anti-discrimination, civil rights
law to prohibit discrimination based
upon disability. However, it was
limited to only covering “any program
or activity receiving Federal financial
The Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) basically prevents any
discrimination against people
with disabilities. The ADA requires
barriers to be eliminated all areas of
public life, including jobs, schools,
transportation, and all public and
private places that are open to the
general public.
How does the law apply to
Generally, the law requires that
medical care providers (doctors’
offices, clinics, and other health care
providers) to:
• provide persons with disabilities
full and equal access to health
care services and facilities; and
• make reasonable modifications
to policies, practices, and
procedures when necessary
to make health care services
fully available to individuals
Participate in UAB Research
Spain Rehabilitation Center is Conducting Research
Involving People with SCI and Pressure Ulcers
This study is to see how well Microcyn™ works on Stage
3 and Stage 4 pressure ulcers. The information we learn
from this study may lead to a better treatment in the
future for people with SCI who have pressure ulcers.
Personalized Online Weight and Exercise Response
System (POWERS): A Weight Loss Study for Adults
with SCI
This study aims to determine how well a newly developed
web-based health coaching program helps adults with
SCI increase their physical activity and improve their diet.
Criteria to Participate
• Have a SCI
• At least 19 years old
• Have Stage 3 or Stage 4 pressure ulcers
• Able to attend monthly follow-up clinic visits at Spain
Rehabilitation Center for 6 months
Criteria to Participate
• Be at least 19 years old
• Have reliable internet access
• Have the ability to use your arms for exercise
• Able to visit the Lakeshore Foundation at the
beginning and end of the intervention
Participants will get up to $110. Go to website, call 205934-3329 or email [email protected] for information.
Go to website, call 205-403-5510 or email SCIresearch@
uab.edu for more information.