Pushin' On: UAB Spinal Cord Injury Model System Digital Newsletter Volume 32 | Number 2
VOL 32 | NUM 2
UAB Spinal Cord Injury Model System Digital Newsletter
Headline News
Welcome to the new Pushin’ On! We have a new, modern look to give
you a more visually interesting newsletter. There is more content to give
you more information. You can also click on highlighted text to easily
send emails and quickly go to websites. And now, you will get audio and
video whenever it is needed to give you a true interactive multimedia
experience. Email us to tell us what you think.
The University of Alabama at
Birmingham Spinal Cord Injury
Model System (UAB-SCIMS)
provides Pushin’ On twice annually
as an informational resource for
people with spinal cord injury (SCI).
UAB-SCIMS Program Director:
Amie B McLain, MD
Editor: Phil Klebine, MA
529 Spain Rehabilitation Center
1717 6th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233-7330
Phone: 205-934-3283
TDD: 205-934-4642
Fax: 205-975-4691
[email protected]
Pushin’ On is funded by grant
#H133N060021 from the National
Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation
Research, U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services’ Administration for
Community Living. Opinions expressed
in this newsletter are not necessarily
those of the granting agency.
©2014 University of Alabama Board of
Trustees. The University of Alabama at
Birmingham provides equal opportunity in
education and employment.
ReWalk Robotics announced that the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration has approved the ReWalk Personal System for home use.
ReWalk is now the only exoskeleton in the US with FDA clearance.
ReWalk is a robotic exoskeleton that enables people with paraplegia
(T7-L5 levels of injury) to stand up, sit down or walk. ReWalk consists of
a customized metal brace that supports the legs and part of the upper
body, motors that supply movement at the hips, knees, and ankles,
a tilt sensor, and a backpack that contains the computer and power
supply. Crutches provide the user with additional stability when walking,
standing, and rising up from a chair. The user operates the device with a
wireless remote control worn on the wrist. Go to Website
President Obama has signed the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (WIOA). For people with disabilities, the WIOA increases
their access to high quality workforce services and prepares them for
employment. Here are the highlights of what the WIOA does:
• Improves the American Job Center System to provide physical
and programmatic accessibility to employment and training
services for individuals with disabilities.
• Youth with disabilities will receive extensive pre-employment
transition services.
• State vocational rehabilitation agencies will set aside at least 15
percent of their funding to provide transition services to youth with
• A committee will advise the Secretary of Labor on strategies to
increase competitive integrated employment for individuals with
• State vocational rehabilitation grant programs will engage
employers to improve participant employment outcomes.
The Pathway Study is testing the safety and potential benefit of neural
stem cell transplantation in patients with cervical spinal cord injury. Go
to the website to see if you qualify for this study. You will be asked some
questions about your health and your injury. The information you provide
about your health and injury will only be shared with those involved with
the study and only if you give your permission. If you qualify for further
consideration as a potential subject, then the research center will be
given your contact information and will follow up with you within 2 to
4 business days. If you do not qualify for further consideration, your
information will be stored until the end of the study and then destroyed.