The sixth round will take us to Chimay in Belgium , after cleaning and checking the bike , we fi nd out that our rear brake disc is cracked , I then start chasing around the paddock to fi nd one from another competitor to fi x our bike to no avail , no one has the same customised bike !
Fortunately , one of our local friends who knows an engineer is able to modify anything and offers to go back to his house to make us a new one . Brilliant , we have a couple of hours before the fi rst race . It is getting closer to the start of the race and we fi nally receive a text from our friend to let us know that he is running at the entrance of the paddock with the new disc … we all crack on with it and everything is ready at last . Ok , part is secure , lights out .
Warm up lap done , we get into our grid position … nothing , the engine turns off ! What now ?? We try to get the engine started start again , and again but nothing … well that ’ s a DNS ( Did not start ) for us . After checking everything once more we feel prepared for Saturday . Again during the warm up lap everything is absolutely fine , before the engine once more drops of on the starting grid , a second DNS … I suppose that ’ s racing .
On Sunday we experience the exact same fault again , before a red fl ag ( racing halted ) is issued meaning we have a bit of time to try and get the engine going … two small laps around the paddock later ,
“ Warm up lap done , we get into our grid position … nothing , the engine turns off ! What now ??”
we think we can give it a try and start from the back of the grid . New warm lap , and the engine drops again leaving us on the side of the track to watch the race !! Another DNS , that ’ s 3 DNS for Chimay 2016 !!
We then fi nish the season with solid fi nishes in Round 7 Donnington , and Round 8 , before our engine blows at Snetterton in round 9 . We are then unable to take part in the fi nal race of the season at Silverstone . Summary of the season , three engine blows , but we still managed a very respectable 4th place .
Overall , it was a story of what could have been for Nancy and her partner in 2016 , ongoing mechanical issues robbed the pair of a top 3 fi nish , but there is always the exciting prospect of next year . It was also a great experience for us as a brand to get involved with something a little different , helping get iCandy some exposure amongst groups who may not normally come across the brand .
Fingers crossed that 2017 is a much more successful year for Nancy , if they can avoid the mechanical faults , she could once more be a champion .