Pure Reiki Healing Mastery PDF / eBook Free Download By Owen Coleman Pure Reiki Healing Mastery Book | Page 4

body. • The Pure Reiki Healing Mastery training guide on video. • A Reiki Master certificate. What I Liked about Pure Reiki Healing Mastery • You can get rapid relief for various common ailments, either for yourself or others. • The program is written in such a way that it is very easy to understand, staying away from complex jargon. Additionally, it comes with videos to help you if you prefer visual instruction. • Fantastic value for money. Becoming a Reiki master is often presented as a complex and expensive process in which you have to find an existing master to decree that you can be one too. With this program, however, you can learn all there is to know about Reiki for just $47 and get some good bonuses as well. • You will be able to achieve deep relaxation and excellent sleep. As such, even if you don’t heal others, you will at least feel better yourself. • It comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by giving the program a try. What I Didn’t Like about Pure Reiki Healing Mastery • You have to be truly dedicated to the program and you have to practice. While you are told that you can become a Reiki master in as little as 48 hours, the reality is that it will take you a bit longer to not just absorb the information but truly let it come natural to you as well. • The program is available online only. It would have been helpful, in my opinion, if it had been available on discs and books as well. This is particularly true for the tracks that come with the program. The Final Verdict