Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life October 2013 | Page 2

De-mystifying Faith

Welcome to the October issue of the magazine. This time of year for so many people gets very busy. For the magical/earth based spiritual folks gear up and come to celebrate a new year, the darker time of the years, as well as many ceremonies and rituals.

This is also the time, where many people come out of the wood work looking for readings, or the old ways, and some even go to the other extreme and refuse to see anything magical about this time of year, let alone in life at all.

There is a movement in the air and the area of misunderstanding, confusion, and anger that has pentrated into the world. I see each and every day.

They read something get a feel good feeling about it, and then that is it. They stop at the feeling. They hold onto the feeling. They either are so exhausted that they can not move themselves forward, or they feel overwhelmed by the possibilities, the language, or the sometimes conflicintg beleifs.

Just take a moment and breathe. Let yourself be at home with wherever you are.

For me studying, learning, expanding the way I see things is a constant focus. For others, they just simply take pieces of things and exsist. There are so many ways to one thing. Its not about who knows enough, or who knows "too much".

Let whatever you need to be, be and that is how we de-mystify faith.