Resistance is futile. When you resist things you set yourself up for failure. The reason for this, is in order to be aware of something that you want to resist, you have to first give it life. Make a list of the things that you are resisting. Things that you want to do, but dont allow yourself to do. Things like: Cleaning the house, Working out, meditating, etc. Then look at it. Figure out what stops you. Write next to each and every one of them what you is keeping you from these things. Alot of us when we think aboutthe word resistance we think only of active resistance. Instead of realizing that there is a subconscious mind that helps us with resistance.
What we have to do is realize that the subsconscious is simply thoughts that once exsisted in the conscious, and we trusted them enough to put them on autopilot. When we try to conqueor our subconscious mind you are starting a process that will only get you to spin. When you resist these thoughts you have decided to make them conscious. You have also said that you were going to destroy these things. The body and mind hear your intentions. Since the subconscious as we have stated are ideas that you have TRUSTED, your body does not want to see you destroy them. To make the subsconscious thoughts go away, then all you have to do is, figure out what you would like to have happen. Cleaning your house, working out, etc. Then use your heart. Ask yourself is this what i really want.
If the heart is on board, and you are not doing it for someone else, then trust it. Do it. Once you have done that, you will be able to without effort move these active thoughts to your subconscious.
Now think about a trauma. Can be a death, change of a job, leaving a church, etc. When you do this think about the happy times that came before. If it was a death the happy times that you had with this person. A church then what were the things that made you happy about that church. Once you have that, have you stopped yourself in any way from experiencing this type off happiness as you coorelate that with the trauma that happened. The way the brain works is through association. When it experiences any emotion for a prolonged period of time it makes it one memory. Then when a truama happens the chemicals that make a memory are linked as one relating the kind o happiness you experienced with that trauma and you will subconsciously try to avoid that kind of happiness.
Here is a good youtube meditation in letting go and starting new. Please message back with any questions.
This is an excerpt from the second level course. To take this or any other course go to Pure Path's website and go to the university section.