Finding Your Song (continued)
African tribes, but we each radiate frequencies. Literally, we are a collection of vibrations, a song. The body radiates its song – sounds that are too tiny in volume for one to notice. Others subconsciously react to these “vibes” and they have a multitude of subtle energy effects, such as initial impressions and “gut” feelings.
We are vibrational beings and our daily vibrational composition changes along with our health and emotional states, but our fundamental song is constant: Our body seeks to simply play its song in harmony! This releases endorphins – a sense of pleasure and wellbeing ensues.
Humans innately seek out natural sounds that reinforce and strengthen their songs. Some prefer the sound of the pounding sea, others seek out bird songs or the wailing wind in remote locales. Even the stars and heavens offer songs to us that we can intuitively detect with our feelings. We sense the magic in the midnight sky, as stars radiate frequencies below our hearing range. These subtle vibrations create beneficial cell-to-cell vibrations within. We are one with the universe. Our song contributes a small part in the infinite chorus of all creation.
In a remote, but intimately connected tradition, I once visited a desolate Indian settlement in northeastern Canada. Their Wiseman gave me a tour of the humble, even impoverished village. Out of the way, along the route I saw a carefully tended field that held perhaps 100 colorful birdhouses supported on poles, well off the ground. I asked the Shaman what was the significance of the birdhouses? He replied that these houses were their Tribe's burial markers; each birdhouse honored a grave. The remarkable part was that many wild birds made their homes in these small structures - singing their characteristic songs for the memory of departed souls - to the glory and beauty of nature and the nourishment of the living.
JM has spent the past 20 years researching Vibratory Sound Energy for healing and a wide array of other remarkable uses (available in 3 books). She specializes in Sound Secrets of Ancient Civilizations. Mattson composes and produces her own CD's employing numerous Sound Healing techniques & energies, plus her original musical score. Her latest CD, Deep Wave Beauty, recently won a silver C.O.V.R. award for best specialty CD of 2012. In addition to beautiful music it tones the face muscles and uplifts the skin., and and