Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life April 2015 | Page 14

Spiritualism - that science and religious ideas can meet in Natural Law, that our experiences can be explained, measured and understood with modern technology as well as in our hearts and minds – we can accept that what appears to be a simple act can actually be a moment of epiphany.

In medieval times, as many as twenty-two of the eighty cathedrals constructed during the Gothic period housed labyrinths indoors and many others had outdoor walking paths. Cathedral labyrinths were adopted as a symbol of the Christian way, representing the path of the soul through life. Medieval pilgrims re-enacted this, following the path of the labyrinth in the cathedral on their knees as a means of prayer, or to symbolize the journey to Jerusalem, or as a ritual to mark the end of a true pilgrimage. In our present day, we are experiencing a rediscovery of the labyrinth as a spiritual tool. Many communities are coming together to construct labyrinths in parks, hospitals and long term care facilities, and in and outside spiritual centers. Support groups use them for finding one's way through difficult times. Patients at hypertension clinics stroll through them to reduce stress. Walking a labyrinth takes time, time to reflect and meditate on your relationship with yourself, your Source and your Neighbor. Like a pilgrimage, it is both a communal event and a private act of transformation. The act of walking a labyrinth becomes a metaphor for all of life as each person alternately follows, passes, and leads the way, turning toward and moving away from others on the path. Walking the labyrinth with a group reminds us that we are all on the path together, each in our own unique way.

The decision to stride in begins by crossing the threshold from the external to the internal. That first step begins a journey along the single spiraling path toward the center. Once that initial footstep is taken, there is no need to think about direction, turns, or even destination. The single path weaves back and forth, up and down, left and right on a seemingly meandering journey to the heart of the labyrinth. Linear awareness of time and space disappears as the energetic forces at play in the labyrinth assist in moving consciousness to an expanded level of functioning. As the more creative non-linear mind takes over, the relaxation response is triggered, stress levels decrease, and creativity is inspired into action… unless one enters in a state of fear. In this condition, the chaos of the inner being may be amplified for a moment as one starts to question: Did I go the right way? Am I on the right path? One may find themselves headed back to the entrance and wonder: Did anyone see me go the wrong way? If this happens, one can leave the labyrinth or simply choose to begin again. There is no shame in getting turned around and needing to start over. Everyone is on their own journey.