Fear No
By Lynne Blance Owner Sage Apothecary
In 1989 awareness of the chemical dihydrogen monoxide first took shape bringing to light the disastrous effects that it has on our life. Between 1989 and 2002 independent studies by universities around the globe have come to the following conclusions:
it is fatal if inhaled.
it has been known to cause burns ranging from minor to severe 3rd degree.
it is an environmental hazard that has been known to cause erosion of land and buildings, accelerate the corrosion and rusting of many metals, while also known as “hydroxyl acid" it is the major component of acid rain and as such is a major contributor to the “greenhouse effect”, a large part of global warming.
it has been linked to electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of machines, including the safety systems in automobiles.
it has been found in excised cancerous tumors.
Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:
as an industrial solvent and coolant including in nuclear power plants.
in the production of such items as Styrofoam, plastics and other products considered hazardous to our health and to the environment.
in many forms of torture of both people and animals.
it is a main ingredient in many pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.
as an additive in a vast array of food products, including popular junk foods and even those labeled as “health foods” according to FDA standards.
Millions of people globally have signed petitions to ban dihydrogen monoxide in their areas. Several governing bodies, including members of the New Zealand Green Party and Aliso Viejo, California, had proposed bans on their agendas while in a voting advice application of the Finnish parliament showed that 49% of the candidates were pro-ban of dihydrogen monoxide.
The problem with this is that were we to actually ban this chemical, the vast percentage of life on Earth would die. It’s a drastic statement, I know, but true. In scientific form dihydrogen monoxide is broken down like this: Two hydrogen particles- H2= dihydrogen, and one single particle of oxygen- O=monoxide. H2O. In its most common name dihydrogen monoxide is in fact just water.