On a monthly basis, taking in some form of maintenance treatment can boost your overall health. For example, receiving a massage treatment once a month will help in alleviating pain, increasing flexibility of joints as well as range of motion, reduce stress, increase circulation which in turn will boost the immune system, and improve sleep quality amongst a host of other things. Other types of treatments that will support your health from a holistic approach include reflexology, chiropractic work, energy healing, and acupuncture.
It is important to clarify that all of this is not to say that traditional Western medicine is not valuable or necessary. However, in order to gain optimal health, it is imperative to approach your health from a holistic standpoint and monitor your needs and care regularly. Rather than waiting for disease to take action, work on your complete wellness on a daily basis in a way that acts to preventing disease to even take place. Perhaps by creating a well-balanced lifestyle that harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit within a nurturing environment we as Americans will spend less time in the hospital or doctors office and more time enjoying the lives we have created for ourselves.
Kristina Washington, MSW, LMT is the owner of Healing Touch Massage and Wellness. In addition to massage, she currently works as a psychiatric social worker. These two jobs allow her to explore human nature - in her social work practice she meets with people one on one and learn about their struggles, background, and current every day lives. She works together with her clients to bring down barriers that prevent them from achieving their goals and explore options for ultimate wellness. In massage, her work is quite different in the she is
interacting with people, however she comes with the same compassion and creative flow that allows her to work with each individual in an unique and holistic way.
In her spare time, she enjoys creating art, music, working out (especially yoga), meditation, cooking, mingling with friends, and spending time with her two dogs - Flash (an 11 year old Basset Hound), and Leilu (a 2 year old Pitt Bull Terrior). Additionally, she is working towards another business idea that wilbring together all of her passions in life (art, music, wellness, people) and hopes to have that up and running soon! http://www.healingtouchmw.com/