So many of us have issues with water retention, joint pain, chronic illnesses, and our nation is riddled with autoimmune disorders. So many of these issues have their roots stemmed in the bodies ph levels and immune system. To understand how these things effect us, we have to understand the basics of how our bodies immune system works and how an overactive immune system can lead you to the dis-eases that have taken over our “modern” society.
The immune system the way most people think about it, deals with pathogens and microbes that effect us, and different cells coming into action to help get rid of these symptoms/pathogens. However the immune system is much more than that. Did you know that when you cut yourself, stub your toe, or bang your elbow the pain that you feel, and the swelling and fluids that come from this shortly after are all what we call immunological responses.
Macrophages and neutrophils migrate to the injured area and attach themselves to the sides and penetrates through the vessel walls. These together with chemical substances that are released, causes the endothelial cells (capillaries) to contract and open the junctions between them wide to let fluid escape from the bloodstream into the tissues. This causes the swelling and pain.
In a healthy and normal and healthy immune system after a set amount of time the body returns to its normal state and the tissue begins to regenerate. However due to our over-toxic diets, stress levels, and nutrient deficient world our immune systems are overworked and chronically inflamed. When we look at the immune response and take into account that the first response that the immune system does is to make the area inflame and fill with fluid. The basic idea is to support the injured tissues. This can be a cut, or ingesting a high acidic beverage (coffee, nightshades), then depending on where the intrusion is depends on the type of fluid that is created. When it is in the dermal layer of the skin sebaceous fluid (watery fluid) is let in to clean out the area and allow possible pathogens to flow away from the area of entry. When the infliction happens inside the body the body secretes mucous to surround the pathogen or irritant and encapsulates it to allow it to leave the body without being absorbed.
The secondary piece of this immune system puzzle is that when we have mucus in the body the body wants to break it down. It starts to secrete acid and that raises the pH. When the bodies pH rises then we start entering into many issues. With the rising Ph and the immune system over producing inflammatory response we wonder why our countries mot prominent dis-eases are autoimmune related. Things like Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Cancer and other disorders that are stemmed in inflamed autoimmune and damaged cells.
Now that we have talked about the issues that occur when the immune system runs rampant and the fact that all of these things raise the bodies pH, you are asking yoruself what can I do. Now Pure Path has many products and supplements that can help you with this, but we know that not everyone can afford supplements so below is a food guide of foods to avoid and foods to eat that are high in alkaline value (alkaline means reducing the amount of acidity in something). You can also get pH testing tape and test the first urine in the morning and the the tongue. A healthy pH level in the body is between 7.0-7.4. The more alkaline the body the healthier the body is.