Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life 2 of 1 | Page 5

Archangel Raphael - He who Heals


It may be uncomfortable to wear for long as it provides a deep energetic cleansing. Aventurine is another green stone associated with Raphael because of its healing attributes. It heals the eyes and helps with anxiety as well as heart palpitations.

Meditating with a green candle can also be another means to connect to this healing angel along with prayer. Here is a simple prayer and a guided meditation to use to connect with him.


"Sweet Raphael, I call on you, I know that you are there, and ask you for your healing strength in answer to my prayer. Please take away the sadness, take away the pain, hold me in your healing wings and make me whole again" ~© Mary Jack August 5th 2010

Guided mediation to meet Archangel Raphael

taken from the website Art and Angels

I suggest you or a friend record this on your cell phone so you can do this often.

Imagine that you are in a beautiful meadow filled with green plants of many kinds. The sky is clear sapphire blue with fluffy white clouds floating by. The air temperature is exactly how you like it. The sun is high overhead, but not too strong so as to be uncomfortable.

Take a few moments to soak in the sensations of being in this perfect meadow of your own design.

After a while (anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes) you sense a presence just to the right and behind you. This does not alarm you in the least. It’s a feeling you’ve never felt before. Even if you’ve me Archangel Raphael before, every time you meet him it’s a new sensation.

You feel an expansion and warming sensation in your chest which is very pleasant, such as when you look at someone you love, only even more so.

Turning to look over your right shoulder, you see a glimmering golden-green light which is egg-shaped and about the same size you are. This light washes over you in peaceful waves, and you unconsciously take a deep breath of release. Automatically your lips form a smile. You can’t help but feel happy, and it feels like you’re completely happy, maybe for the first time ever.

You feel drawn towards this peaceful, shimmering, green-gold light that moves like northern lights. You move to stand right in the middle of it, closing your eyes and drinking in the calming sensations as the light swirls around you.

“I am here,” a voice says, though you’re not quite sure if you heard it inside or outside of your head. It’s as though it is in both places at once. “Do not worry.”

You open your eyes, still smiling, and there is a figure in front of you. Who, or what, is this figure? How does it look? This is how Raphael appears to you. If you don’t see anything, that’s perfectly fine. He may come to you in other forms than visual. You may remember some music, or a favorite food, or a favorite place, something like that.

You may stay with Raphael as long as you like. Talk to him as you would a trusted friend. Ask him questions. Remember to use your common sense, just as you would with a real person. The angels are here to help you find the Divine, but they don’t know everything about you.

You may not feel you really have anything to say, but I’d encourage you to at least talk about the weather, just as you would meet a new person at work, so you can start to open the lines of communication. After that, you may politely take your leave.

To “leave”, just imagine the scene slowly fading away. Pay attention to what’s happens with your vision as you stop reading and prepare to move on to something else. Watch the world expand out from the tunnel vision you’ve created from reading to include the room around you. You might want to stand up and stretch, go get something to eat and drink. Enjoy the healing time you spent with this wonderful loving angel.