Pure Path; Divine Wisdom for Your Divine Life 2 of 1 | Page 11

Why Evil Happens


I was having a conversation about why evil things happen in the world. Why do bad things happen to people? I have struggled with this many times. The one thing that I know is part of my Dharma this time around is to work on my inner rage, and anger that I have inside of my being. Not to do evil, but as a response to my reaction to evil being done.

We have to realize that all things happen for a reason. I know we hear this all the time, and when we are in the midst of our Ego screaming, we must find ways of quieting this, and bring ourselves back to the remembrance that this very thing that is happening, was chosen to happen by higher powers than us. It may suck, and be awful for us to view, but in the end, the simple reaction makes us want to do better, help others, protect those around us. I truly feel that is the reason bad things happen. To make us ever mindful of not only the Divine Energies within us, but the Divine Energies above us.

With the sense of being ever connected to each and everything on this planet, how do we not tap into our egoic self, and channel rage and anger and even vengeance towards these evil doers. Now I cannot in good conscious tell you that I have the answers or that I have even come close to mastering such a skill. What I can say to you, when I find myself in these situations I try to do the following things.

A. I must constantly remember that each person is a representation of God on Earth. Within each of them, (and I dare say even the most “evil” of people on the Earth), are a spark of this energy. I put this first as it is the hardest thing to do. I do know more and more that this is the thing to work on. Guru Mooji says when trying to include everyone, cast everyone aside. What he means by this, don’t focus on trying to love everyone. There will always be that one person we don’t like, or even can’t stand. Simply focus on the love of ourselves, on the inside and through this, we find the love of ourselves.

B. I say a prayer for healing to the ones affected and to the ones that are doing the Evil. This allows me to connect to the Divine Energy as well as to send healing to myself. By saying the prayer/ritual/puja, I am tapping into my inner self. Sri Ramana Maharshi says: 'That inner Self, as the primeval Spirit, Eternal, ever effulgent, full and infinite Bliss, Single, indivisible, whole and living, Shines in everyone as the witnessing awareness. That self in its splendour, shining in the cavity of the heart This self is neither born nor dies, Neither grows nor decays, Nor does it suffer any change. When a pot is broken, the space within it is not, And similarly, when the body dies the Self in it remains eternal.

C. Bring my attention back to my path. The more time and energy you give to allowing your hate, rage, or judgments of another’s behavior the more you are stuck in that vibration. I will start a project, complete some goals, or write on my blog. Gurumayi Chidvilasananda says. "Recognize that you have the courage within you to fulfill the purpose of your birth. Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams.