Pure M Magazine ISSUE 5 | Page 19

Entertainment Editor Stacy Walsh Hailing from Bristol, Hanging Tree are a dark and sexy, grungy blues four piece band. The band just released a video for their beautifully grungy track “Hanging Tree”. Their music is raw and loud – an exciting act to emerge from the UK. Read our Q&A to learn more about Hanging Tree – a band you should definitely be checking out! Tell me a bit about Hanging Tree? How did the band come together? What's the band's line-up? Tom and Fred were in a band together before and when that fell apart Fred called Jack, who he knew from school, and Tom met Dan in a gin bar. You describe yourselves as "a dark & sexy, grungy blues four piece" what bands/artists have influenced your sound? We all like very different things so we all end up influencing each other with our influences. But at the core of it we try and keep that dark delta blues feel to the songs. So your video for the self titled track "Hanging Tree" just premiered on Vevo, I believe you directed the video yourselves how was that? Who else was involved? Any more you can tell me about the video? We thought we'd have a crack at one ourselves and Dan (the star of the video) is an incredibly talented magician but also happens to be our close friend. It's a fairly simple concept but we think the performance is really amazing and it was the first take. Job done. Your EP Roots is available to stream on Soundcloud, where did you record the tracks? When is the next release? Is the track "Hanging Tree" off an upcoming EP or album? We recorded the whole thing in two days at Highbury Studios in Birmingham. We love it there, it's all reel-to-reel and the guys there, Rob Peters and John Mostyn are just great. We actually recorded it ages ago it has just taken us a while to get it all out. “Hanging Tree” is the last of those songs. In the mean time we've recorded another whole album we are in the process of mixing. Do you have any other releases online that our readers can check out? Apart from the “Hanging Tree” video, all the other songs out are on Soundcloud and they are all available for free download. Are you looking forward to the gigs coming up in March? Any crazy stories from any of your previous shows? Yes we're always looking forward to the upcoming shows, March should be no exception, some cracking ones booked in. No especially crazy stories, our shows just seem to go well. What do you guys do outside of Hanging Tree? We all work in restaurants, pizza-based ones. What are Hanging Tree's 2015 plans? Play a bunch of shows, get this next album out, get better haircuts and get some more videos out there. How did you come up with the band name? The thing we try and do most with the music is try and show some hope and light coming out of darkness. You've got to have the dark to have the light kind of thing. We thought you can read "Hanging Tree" as both dark and light. Is this a thing you go to die on? Hang your hopes and dreams on? Or both? It's a bit of a metaphor for life in general. Could you give me some insight into your songwriting process? To this point Fred's been writing the songs in a very "bare-bones" format, teach Tom the lyrics and outline of a melody and then just start playing it as a whole band and not stop till we like how it sounds. It's all pretty quick. Often the first thing we do with a song is how it stays. Any festival appearances planned for the summer? We're doing the festival booking at the moment, very arduous process but hopefully worth it for our first festival season. What music are you listening to lately? Any new music catching your attention? We all listen to different stuff but at the moment it’s hard to ignore The Fat White Family, The Wytches and Slaves. They're all doing things right by us. We went to see Yak the other night and they were an absolute force, everyone needs to see them. Check out the brand new video for self titled track “Hanging Tree” at http://www.hangingtree.co.uk/ 19