Review by Julie Bell
Following on from their debut single ‘Headstoned’ which
was released on 5th December 2014, the Dublin trio are
back with their follow-up single ‘Colony of Ants’ which is
due for release via digital download on February 6th.
The band is headed up by Kieran O’Reilly of ‘Love/Hate’
fame, who is no stranger to the music scene having
previously been involved with Alt-Rock bands Doris and
White McKenzie, the latter producing the remaining two
members of Hail the Ghost, Ian Corr (Piano) and Eamon
Young (Guitar). The front man has proved himself as a
master of all trades as such, he plays drums and guitar as
well as co-producing recordings.
O’Reilly’s voice has echos of The Editors front man Tom
Smith, bringing the captivating lyrics of this edgy, haunting
indie track alive. From the outset there is a steady mix of
drum and guitar riffs intensifying only during the lead up
and throughout each chorus, thus allowing for the
incredibly controlled, almost undeviating vocals of
O’Reilly to remain the focus. The welcoming sound of the
piano attempts to lift the mood on an otherwise evocative
melody halfway through the track, the backing vocals
adding a delicate boost in contrast to the vocals of the
mysterious lead. Albeit the lyrics being quite repetitive
throughout the chorus, they prove quite catchy and with
every listen it kind of grows on you that bit more – the
mixture of subtle guitar and synthetics an easy listen. A
small criticism on perhaps a relatively favorable effort.
The band’s style of music has alternative written all over
it, but what could be the rule breaker is the detachment from
your typical indie stereotype of late and instead delving
back into the heydays of Interpol and The Editors, with that
little bit of added Irish charm of course! If it is one thing
the Irish music scene is lacking it is the absence of a real
consistent alternative indie group who can bring something
to the table with every release. Recently, Walking on Cars
are up there, maybe these guys will be another exception –
they certainly have the potential.
With the threesome due to drop their first album entitled
‘Forsaken’ on March 6th it can only be assumed that this
offering is only a small slice of what they have to give.