The Dark Plains
Come On and Get Some
Review by Bláithín Duggan
his rock or new era grunge trio
hailing from Plymouth, England
released their debut EP entitled:
Come On and Get Some in
2014. Andy Heath narrates the
album with a distinctive and enticing vocal
timbre alongside the guitar, Ben Diffey
cleverly supports the lead guitar and drums
on bass guitar with colourful displays of
manual dexterity, and Darren Worrall
maintains the distinct rhythmic roll of the
group on the drums. This innovative grunge
album consists of the following five songs:
‘Get Some’, ‘I See You’, ‘Look Around’,
‘Dirty She’, and ‘Wise Fool’.
‘Get Some’ opens with a catchy
syncopated guitar line accompanied by an
emphatic drum beat. The quirky sounds
created in this song are softened by Heath’s
vocals, and the lyrics are cleverly combined
to support the music. The cleverly
composed drum riff creates a momentous
effect of a heart beat and breaks up the
lyrical locomotion.
The album then takes a softer turn in ‘I See
You’, the acute guitar playing creates a
delicate tone and a lyrical ambiance in the
introduction, and this is followed by a
contrasting rhythmic guitar section. ‘Look
Around’ is a more musical song and the
music is extremely fluid and concise.
The opening broken passages in ‘Dirty
She’ make this song strong and emphatic.
Finally, the cleverly named ‘Wise Fool’
concludes The Dark Plains’ album ‘Come
on and Get Some’, this song is a personal
favourite and its delicate description of a
wise man resonates alongside the gentle
guitar accompaniment. Not too heavy, not
too frivolous, The Dark Plains have
managed to obtain the rare sound of
harmonically concise music.
This group will feature on Radio KC’s Indie
Show (5-7 pm) on February 1st, and can be
streamed live here:
More information, and a download of this
EP is available at: