Pure Love
I will remain bound to you. What do you think? Are we not
bound? We are bound for sure through love!
Pure Love Incarnate Is The Lord
It does not take long to please the one with an ego. He
would be very happy even if you were to give him the slightest
compliment. A Gnani on the other hand is not easy to please.
There is nothing in this world that makes the Gnani happy! Only
your love makes him happy, because he is the only one with
real love. The Gnani has nothing to offer you but love. He has
love towards the whole world.
The pure love that you see of the Gnani Purush, the love
that you see clearly, is itself the Divine Lord in human form. The
pure love that you can see, the one that neither increases nor
decreases, the love that remains constant, is the Absolute Self.
The Lord in human form is clearly visible through His love.
Gnan is the invisible, subtle form of the Lord, which takes some
time to understand. So there is no need to look for pure love
outside in the world. Outside, all you have is infatuation and
attraction. The love that does not increase or decrease is the
divine pure love of The Lord.
Jai Sat Chit Anand