Pure Love Pure love | Page 70

Pure Love 57 Dadashri: Why would it not remain separate for the ones who have taken Gnan? Questioner: I want to understand how you apply that. Dadashri: I leave the feeling in the foreign department and then enter the home department. If the feeling tries to enter I say, ‘sit outside’. Whereas you folks say, ‘come on in my dear, welcome’. The Results Of The Detached State People tell me that I worry about them. That is true but they do not realize that I do not allow those worries to touch or affect me. Worries can debilitate a person; take away his energies, whereas one can do anything if he does not have worries. Worries can destroy a man. So I do everything superficially and do not allow worries to touch me. Questioner: So really, you would not do anything. If a Mahatma were suffering deeply, would you not do anything? Dadashri: Of course I would! But it would be superficial. By superficial I mean that all the work is being taken care of but it is taking place in the foreign department. I would not let it affect me. Everything that the relative-self needs to do should be done. One should let all the external processes take place, but without any worries. On the contrary, things become ruined by worries. Are you really asking me to worry? When you let something affect you, you become involved and the separation of the foreign and home department gets blurred, and you will not accomplish what you set out to do. This is how everyone in this world reacts and that is why nothing is achieved in this world. When I do not let it affect me, it is a protection for the other person and for me also. This is what I mean by the term ‘safe-side’. I have experienced that the outcome is not good when I