Pure Love
Questioner: Yes, and the parents too, yearn for love
from their children. They expect to be respected by their
Dadashri: It is love only. The world is dependent upon
love. It is not as dependent on material comforts as it is on love.
Alas! This love is involved in conflicts. Love should not end up
in conflicts.
Questioner: Children also have a lot of love for their
Dadashri: The children too have a lot! But even their
love is associated with conflicts.
As Long As There Is Attraction There Is Tension
Questioner: It is believed that where there are more
feelings, there is more love.
Dadashri: There is no love there at all! It is all infatuation
and attraction. There is no such word as love in this world. To
even utter the word ‘love’ is wrong. It is all infatuation and
attraction from within.
Questioner: Then what are all these feelings and
sentiments? Can you please explain?
Dadashri: All this sentimental behavior falls under
‘emotions’. When a person does not remain ‘in motion’ (the
Self), he becomes ‘emotional’.
Questioner: In the English language there are two words-
‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’.
Dadashri: Yes, but ‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’ are two
different things. Sentiments and sentimentality fall under the
‘emotional’ because they cross the boundaries of normality.
As long as there is any degree of sentimentality, and as