Pure Love
Where There Is Love, There Is Liberation
Where there is no love, there is no path to liberation.
Even when one does not know the right things to say, one is
offered only love. This is pure love.
God exists where there is honesty in relative interactions
and where there is pure love, which does not increase, or
decrease. These are the two places where God resides. Where
there is love, faith and purity, that is where God is.
Love arises after one transcends the ‘relative self’ and
becomes absolutely independent. Where can one find Gnan,
real knowledge? It is where work is achieved through love.
There, there is no give or take. There is oneness there. Where
there is an exchange of money, there is no love. Do people not
charge a fee for their spiritual discourses? That is a business and
you will not find love there. Where there is love there is no
deceit. Where there is deceit there is no love.
One gets used to wherever one sleeps on, if one sleeps
on a mat he gets used to that mat and if one sleeps on a Dunlop
mattress, he will get used to that too. If you ask the one who
insists upon sleeping on the mat, to sleep on the Dunlop mattress,
he would not be able to sleep. Insistence is poison and the
absence of insistence is nectar. Until one attains the state where
one becomes free of all insistence, the love of the world will not
be acquired. Pure love is born out of non-insistence and pure
love is the Supreme Lord.
One becomes an embodiment of love when one does
not look for rules and regulations. If you look for rules and
regulations, you cannot become the embodiment of love. Love
is not to be found with the one who asks, ‘why are you late?’
When you are the embodiment of love, people listen to you.
If you have infatuation and attraction, who would listen to