Pure Love
disappear completely, absolute, pure love is established. This
is the only way.
Did you understand this ‘point of view’? This is something
very different. One has to become the personification of love.
One will then feel a sense of oneness with everyone. There
will be no discrimination or difference. People usually say,
‘this is mine and that is yours!’ It is like a disease. Differences
exist because of this disease. But when people depart from
this world, is there any such thing as ‘mine’ and ‘yours’?
Once this ‘disease’ is eradicated, one will become a
personification of love.
Love is when one perceives the Self in all living beings.
All this is ‘I’, and ‘I’ am in all. Otherwise one will have to say,
‘you’. If you do not see, ‘I’ then you will see, ‘you’. Then there
will always be a difference between you and others. For worldly
interactions, you will have to say, ‘I’ and ‘you,’ but in reality
you should see ‘I’ everywhere. To become the embodiment of
love is to see everything with oneness, and act with oneness.
Get rid of your belief that others are different. You should feel
as though everyone is a part of one big family.
The Non-discriminating Love Of The Gnani
Love is when there is no falling apart, no separation. It is
called love when there is no discrimination. Such love is said to
be within normal limits. If there is any difference in one’s love
for another person, then it will fluctuate. It will increase when
the other person does something good and decrease when he
or she does something wrong. It deviates from normality. The
real love does not take account of the other person’s actions.
It only looks at the Self within that person.
Questioner: What is that we feel for you, Dada?
Dadashri: It is my love that grabs you. Real love touches
the whole world. Where can you find love? Love is found