they want ! This research helps the kitty learn when to eat , how to get treats , how to get pets and when is a good time to cuddle . Is it safe to say this trait proves the saying , “ Dogs think they are people ; cats think they are god ”?
Seeking protection is a necessary trait for effective hunting and survival . A cat ’ s hideout allows Kitty a safe place to take an undisturbed nap . It has been recorded cats sleep an average of 12 – 16 hours per day to support their hunting and nocturnal habits . Jumping out from a safe place is a hunting skill , for example . Of course , our domestic kitties don ’ t need to hunt , but they can ’ t seem to overrule instinct . During playtime , a hiding place gives Kitty a haven to strategically ‘ attack ’ another kitty friend or human .
Ever find yourself with a day you can sleep in ? Then you must not have a cat . When your cat is hungry , Kitty knows what time to start asking . Same time each morning , you are awakened with meows , purrs and fuzzy tails in your face . Cats learn quickly how to manipulate you to feed them food or treats . You may think they have a watch on the left front paw — they are constantly checking ! Let ’ s just say : our kitties have us well trained .
Working from home became our form of survival during the pandemic , and it is here to stay ! Many people think cats are selfsufficient , but we all learned quickly how much they love us being around . We all have stories of our cats walking into a video call or laying across our keyboard while we work . The fact is that they love their people and want our attention . Cats will jump in your lap , curl up and turn on the purr . They will greet you when you get home and follow you with meows and leg rubs . In a nutshell : cats can be very demanding , but they are so worth it !
Learning about the instinct that drives a cat ’ s curiosity allows us to look at their actions from a different perspective . If you ever wondered if investing in the tall cat tree is worth it , now you understand why it may make your fur baby happy . Next time your kitty lays across the keyboard , maybe it ’ s time to take a break and give kitty some love . Based on the traits we learned above , our kitties have plenty to say . Thankfully , curiosity doesn ’ t kill our cat .
Photo by Osaka Simanovscai
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