Pup and Purr Life Unleashed | Page 24

signs of mouth pain or discomfort , Dr . Adi recommends taking it to your veterinarian for an examination . You will be advised of the most appropriate course of treatment , which may involve having the pet ’ s teeth examined and cleaned under short-acting sedation or general anesthesia .
A routine dental cleaning involves a thorough dental examination , followed by a dental scaling and polishing to remove the tartar and invisible plaque from all of the tooth surfaces . Once your pet is sedated or anesthetized , your veterinarian will thoroughly examine their mouth , noting the alignment of the teeth and the extent of tartar accumulation . If periodontal disease is severe , it may not be possible to save badly affected teeth , which may need to be extracted . Next , tooth scaling will be performed using hand scalers and ultrasonic cleaning equipment to remove all traces of tartar . The tartar below the gum line causes the most significant gum recession so it is important that it is removed thoroughly . After scaling , the teeth are polished to remove microscopic scratches in order to help prevent subsequent plaque build-up . Special applications such as fluoride , antibiotic preparations and cleaning compounds may be indicated to decrease tooth sensitivity , strengthen enamel , treat bacterial infection and reduce future plaque accumulation . Dental radiographs are taken to complete the examination and to determine the health of the tooth roots and bony structures supporting the teeth below the gumline .
The best way to prevent dental disease is to keep the mouth as hygienic as possible and to reduce the rate at which tartar builds up on the teeth . The most effective way of reducing plaque and tartar is to brush the teeth on a regular basis . A number of toothpastes and brushes made specifically for pets are available that are designed to be swallowed and built for animals ’ mouth structure . With gentleness , patience , perseverance , and lots of treats ,
22 Life Unleashed