Pup and Purr 2022 | Page 40

A Cat ' s Journey

By Laura Tennyson
Chico , my cat , is a vagabond . Before the pandemic he would rise early with my husband , get fed and roam the streets until early evening . He also had developed a reputation on our Marigny block as a little bit of a bully . I noticed that neighbors walking their innocent dogs would cross the street instead of walking past Chico . One neighbor even accused him of flattening his car tire — as if ! Like all good cat moms , I defended my poor Chico . I had witnessed his hissing at dogs and chasing random cats , but damaging someone ’ s tire was too much , even for Chico . Nonetheless , Chico , my lovely foundling , had developed a bad rap among my neighbors and friends . So when my husband and I were invited to New York City for the premiere of an opera , we were challenged with what to do with Chico . Should we ask our friends to cat sit , or find a safe place to board him ? Our options were not clear , and no one wants to take care of a bully .
Cats love a routine . While working from home during the pandemic , Chico ’ s routine changed . He usually slept on the living room couch and woke up at 5 a . m . with my husband , who would feed him and let him out to roam the streets at the crack of dawn . When I began working from home , Chico would wake up later around 8 AM , moving onto the bed and leaning his heavy body against me as I enjoyed my late morning sleep . By 9-ish Chico ’ s morning hunger compelled him to beckon me awake with a touch of his paw on my face . When this did not work , he would begin a plaintive sing-song chorus of meows that seemed to be saying , “ Hey , seize the day … It is time to get up , feed me , I have people to see and things to do , the world awaits .” With Jarred awake , I would feed him and let him outside . But instead of
38 Life Unleashed