Pup and Purr 2021 | Page 20

life fur real

Sure Pops , Whatever You Say ! How a Dog Lover Survived Cancer

By Ryan Tramonte
You know how you ask someone to repeat what they ’ re saying because you can ’ t believe what they ’ re telling you ? But they repeat it exactly , and you decide , right on the spot , that your life has changed forever ? Well , that ’ s what happened to me on March 16 , 2021 , when my oncologist informed me that I had throat cancer . I would be starting intense radiation treatments in three days .
“ The prognosis is good ,” he said . “ You ’ ll be fine as long as you listen and do what we say .”
Here ’ s all I heard : “ You ’ re going to die , your dogs will be homeless , and no one will ever love them the way you do .” Molly Girl will never have homemade bacon treats again , Kep will never have anyone hold him through thunderstorms and sing “ Kep Set Fire to the Rain ,” and Beaux will never get his extra time walking when he sits up like a big boy for his
18 Life Unleashed