Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 36

Soldiers. Scientists. Ad- venturers. Weirdos. In the times of global cri- sis international group of heroes was united to re- cover peace of the world destroyed by war. Team helped to end the crisis and kept the peace for many decades, but after many years, the influence of Overwatch was falling and, in the end, ruined. Overwatch is gone, but world still needs its heroes. Overwatch it the new up- coming multiplayer game by Blizzard Entertainment. It was announced in 2014. Visitors of Blizzcon were able to play it first and beta version was launched 27. Oc- tober 2015. Planned date of launching was 21. june 2016. Overwatch is game which, by words of creators, everyone should enjoy. Main stage is earth after sixty years, when humanity is in touch with robots. Creators are offering huge variety of 21 unique heroes from adventurer, who is travelling through time, to armored warrior, who is fighting with hammer, or to robo-monk. 34 Heroes are divided into offensive, defensive, tank and supportive. Every hero fights differently and mas- tering their skills is the key to reveal their potencial. No hero is the same. Whether you are destroying ene- mies in the first line, giving defensive shield with your energetic shield, or en- couraging your teammates by boosting their attacks, every skill is designed to be the perfect part of the team. Maps are divided into Payload (King‘s Row, Num- bani, Dorado, Hollywood), where one of the team is trying to deliver the load at time to the selected place and second team is preven- ting them, and Point capture (Temple of Anubis, Hana- mura, Volskaya industries) where you need to collect points from the map. It is 6 vs.6 players. Some maps are inspired by reality, such as Hanamura – Japanese. To get a better idea about the game I decided to choo- se two heroes, who I will in- troduce to you more detaily, because they aren’t just cha- racters you are playing for, but they also have their own story.