Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 33

That was the biggest shock for me so far. I can hardly fight when there are a lot of enemies around me, but that can be caused by my lack of experience in AC area. My whole game rating in points would be probably 9,5/10, which is, according to my requirements and se- lectivity, very high rating. It can be because of im- pressions and comparation with Alice: Madness returns game, which story also goes on in London. Anyway, if you played this game or you are playing it right now, you will agree with me that this game truly deserves its price and is worth buying it and playing it. Hail the Hunt! Article by: Dikobraz Sources of es: 1. http://flashlarevista.com/con- tent/assassin-s-creed-wallpaper- 3840x2160.html 2. https://www.gamer.no/spill/ assassin-s-creed-syndicate-win- dows/229799 3. http://italkcafe.com/data/as- sassin-s-creed-syndicate-rewards- wallpaper.html 31