Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 31

for eyes and also for soul. There are so many game mechanics, even I wasn’t able to find out all of them, not even half of them, but one day, I will come to that. I like the option of switching between two siblings, Jacob and Evie, and also an ability to improve the characters and our gang. Open world is classic feature of AC games, which I appreciate the most, because freedom in game is very important aspect. Unfortunately, there are also a few bad things I need to write about Syndicate here - those are bugs and whole character control, which can sometime complicate the whole game. A lot of times happened to me that the main character was thrown away or wasn’t reacting cor- rectly to my keyboard orders and because of that, the whole game was desynchro- nised. Also interaction with other people was slightly hard and I mean, that mo- ment, when I threw the con- fused boss of the gang into a carriage, went to beat few enemies and came back, the- re wasn’t any carriage. Only confused floating boss in the middle of the street, which lately also dissappeared. 29