Punkstream ONLINE (English version) 02/03 2018 | Page 14

Sym p hon ic Meta l. Pa rt 2 The last four years of the old millennium have brought a truly promising start for the symphonic metal. We have that as a proof from bands which brought us new things in 2001. Dutch band After Forev- er released the album Deci- pher which is a very honor- able and precise follow-up to their highly successful debut. It contains songs like “Zenith”, “Decipher ”, “Monolith of Doubt”, the two-parts song “My Pledge of Allegiance” or their amazing ballad “Imper- fect Tenses”, which proves that the band is already very mature. The album is the first one that also has a live orchestra and live choir. Another amazing album re- leased in this year was the second studio album Ar- cana by Edenbridge. I will mention songs like “A Mo- ment of Time”, “Color My Sky” or their nearly 10 min- utes long title song “Arca- na”. Album is definitely not behind with quality from 12