Pulse September 2018 | Page 38

thE EducatioN coNNEctioN c u s to M E r s E r v i c E Spa Business is Show Business! this session Will connect you With… areas that clients grade every business, as well as concrete and creative ideas to address those areas. “Attendees will go back to their locations and focus on the areas I talk about to create a customer experience that make people want to return and virally share that experience with others.” session description: Your customers rate your performance every time they meet you. Their critique starts with what they see, hear and experience. We’ll explore how color, lighting, merchandising, smells, sounds and well-trained “actors” are all part of the spa stage and why it’s critical to make it a life-enhancing experience. You will find out how you can get your customers to give you a “standing ovation” every time they do business with you. top 3 takeaways you Won’t go home Without: 1. Develop the right stage: entrance, product displays, music and a “desk-less” SPEAKER: Anne Obarski front desk 2. Focus on the actors, the most important part of “spa show business” 3. Create a laser-focused review and reward process that assures your employees and customers stay loyal (coNtiNuEd oN PagE 38) IT’S S NO T SOME ETHING Y OU GR RADU A TE T FRO M. IT’S SOMETH HING Y OU GRADU U A T TE T O . T OUCH A CTIV A TED . TRIPHA SE MUL TIBIO TICS ORGANIC 2018 SPONSOR . CRUEL TY T – FREE . MADE IN THE US A LAFL ORE . C OM experienceispa a. com/ispa-academy